2020 PCCCA Board Nominees

The PCCCA Nominations Committee is proud to share with you the slate of nominees we propose for the 2020 PCCCA Board. We would appreciate it if you would click on the link below and take some time to review the nominee candidates before the PCCCA virtual conference on November 17-19. We will be voting on these nominees during the Association Meeting during the event.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Nominations Committee: Emily Kienker, Clayton Rascoe (Nominees from the PCCCA Membership), Darren Ashmore, Johnathon Lee, Senita Watkins (PCCCA Board Representatives) and Joel Gill (PCCCA Board President). It has been amazing working with this committee over the past few months.  I am grateful for their hard work and dedication for serving PCCCA!

Please note, before we made our final selection for our slate, Emily Kienker resigned from the Nominations Committee. For PCCCA member nominations from the floor for the nominations committee, there will be two members needed for nomination.

In Service and with Great Joy,

Robin Garzoni 
Nominations Committee Chair