
The Fund Coach

It’s Time To Make A Change 

If you are spinning your wheels in frustration doing raffles or bake sales or, you’re spending endless months planning and executing galas or golf tournaments only to secure the same amount of money that you could get from one single donor in a fraction of the time, then you’re in the right place.

With more than 35 years in the nonprofit space, 25+ of those years in fundraising, I know that relationship fundraising is the most effective way to secure large gifts from wealthy people. I also realized that this skill is not something that is typically taught in the nonprofit workplace.  As a response to this need, I used my decades of experience and developed the Relationship Fundraising Academy to empower nonprofit leaders with the skill and confidence to secure big gifts from wealthy, generous people.

I created the Relationship Fundraising Academy (RFA), a 12-week coaching program, for nonprofit leaders just like you.  If you are an executive director, development director, board member, or volunteer, this is tailor-made for you!

Exhibitor Representatives

Mark L Duncan

Email Mark

Gabrielle Hafen

Email Gabrielle