Insurance Board
Insurance Board is a nonprofit corporation established by the participating Conferences of the United Church of Christ. IB administers a church property insurance and church liability insurance program serving churches and related entities within the United Church of Christ, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Presbyterian Church (USA), Reformed Church in America, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Alliance of Baptists.
We write church property insurance and church liability insurance in all 50 states utilizing an independent distribution system that is conducive to our mission: to support and protect churches and church ministries by offering superior property and casualty risk and insurance management services.
More than 4,400 churches participate in the program insuring more than $15.5 billion dollars in property value. A Board of Directors with 21 directors governs Insurance Board and is comprised of United Church of Christ Conference Ministers, Disciples of Christ Regional Ministers, Presbyterian Church (USA) Presbytery/Synod executives, Alliance of Baptists executives, and lay leaders with experience relevant to our mission. We are proud to be represented by this highly qualified group of church and laity. We are a Recognized Ministry Partner of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We are recognized by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) office of Risk Management Services as one of only three insurance companies that meets their guidelines for their churches. We are also a recognized financial ministry of the United Church of Christ.